WellSpring Canine Massage

"Kneading the way" to better living, one dog at a time.


Therapeutic massage and range of motion exercises are essential components of maintaining your canine's overall wellness. The benefits humans thrive on also apply to canines. Whether your dog has an illness/injury, post-surgical, geriatric or aging with reduced muscle activity, wants to enhance performance pre and post event, or for preventative care, relaxation or enhancing your bond, WellSpring Canine Massage will craft a therapeutic massage routine specifically for your dog's needs. During an In-home visit or at one of our two therapy locations we will review your dog's medical background, assess their gait/condition and obtain a desired goal. Canine's roles and importance in our society has dramatically changed and so has our responsibility in assuring their overall wellness. Whether service, military and police dogs, your faithful running companion, dog park warrior, athlete, best friend or family protector we benefit and depend on our canine relationships and they depend on us. Therapeutic massage has proven medical benefits and can help revive, rejuvenate and enhance your dog's quality of life. Give it a try and witness the results for yourself.

Certified Member of IAAMB and ABMP

Therapeutic massage and joint range of motion exercises are essential components of maintaining your canine's overall wellness. The benefits humans thrive on also apply to canines. WellSpring Canine Massage will craft a therapeutic routine specifically for your dog's needs. During an In-Home visit or at one of our therapy locations we will review your dog's medical background, assess their gait/condition and obtain a desired goal. Canine's importance in our society has dramatically changed and so has our responsibility in assuring their wellness. Whether a service/working dog, your faithful running companion, dog park warrior, show dog, best friend or family protector we benefit from our canine relationships and they depend on us as well. Therapeutic massage has proven benefits and can help enhance your dog's quality of life.  Schedule an appointment and witness the results for yourself.


Member of IAAMB and ABMP


Copyright 2017, WellSpring Canine Massage, LLC. All Rights Reserved.  Member: IAAMB    ABMP

Massage is intended to work in partnership with traditional veterinary care, not to replace it.